Sunday 26 January 2014

San Francisco

Blog 5:  Sunday 9am 26th January 2014 - San Francisco - presently 8 hours behind GMT: 
Twas Burns Day yesterday - Haggis was consumed on the Aurora.  "Lang may yir lum reek" my friends. I am writing this blog from an internet cafe in SF and reflecting back on yesterday......

(PIC) The Golden Gate Bridge....
We arrived at the Golden Gate Bridge at 09.45am 'ships time' (Saturday). What a lovely morning it was, sunny and 13c but it felt warmer. 

(PIC) - passing close by to Alcatraz Island.....
Alcatraz Island was a real eye opener in the morning sun - The history and stories come to life when you see it in the raw. The currents around the bay and the prison island are so notorious and it is believed that this put paid to the three prisoners who had an ingenious escape attempt in 1962 using various procured items to make a waterproof raft. The bodies of the three inmates were never found and to this day it is thought by some that indeed they did overcome the treacherous and cold waters of the bay and disappeared into oblivion. Should this be true then they would have been the only ones ever to have achieved an escape. Unfortunately on this trip we have little time to actually go on an organised tour of the island and the prize winning audio commentaries which bring the prison life over the decades to life.

(PIC) - A misty view of SF from the Aurora.....

We eventually disembarked the Aurora at around 3.30pm following a very thorough 5 hour US customs ritual which I know is extremely important but was very frustrating. There is much to do in visiting a major historical city and having only a few hours to achieve our self organised tour.  We decided to go for a stroll!   Grace Cathedral and its famous labyrinth and copper doors was a our first destination in the area of Nob Hill, a place Jacky has wanted to visit since writing her Masters of Divinity thesis at St Johns College. We walked and we walked up and down, up and down the hilly terrain which reminds me of my many visits to Funchal in Madeira. Jacky was in her element and I felt I was one of those school day 'field trips'.  I have to say it was great having a Leader with the map and itinerary as I could just concentrate on getting up those steep streets as my hip and back were feeling the pace somewhat!

(PIC) - 'squiggly' Lombard Street in SF.....

The squiggly street was our next walking target, very famous as being the bendiest city street in the world. By now my little legs and back are bringing tears to my eyes but being the intrepid adventurer I walked on -(Ah Bless!!)

Thankfully it was a down hill journey back to Pier 35 at the dockside in time for our evening onboard meal. We had to pass the famous Pier 39 with its now ever present seal population which we will spend time at tomorrow.

Well what a Saturday that was. It was only left to have bit of haggis to celebrate Burns day and off I went to bed quite exhausted.  Sunday will be a twelve hour walking and tram and trolley bus day so I do need a good nights sleep and hopefully a rejuvenated feel to my aches and pains.

(PIC) - A SF cable car......

Love to all at home


  1. Well pictures at last, how about a "Selfie". Looks amazing and to see the Golden Gate Bridge with no mist or low cloud you are so lucky. Have you been for the famous chocolate and ice cream? Plenty of rest before Hawaii and hot again.
    Keep off the scales and enjoy!!!
    Dave and Meryl.

  2. Just how am I going to remember all you're teaching us along your travels. Sounds like you are having an amazing time so keep on enjoying. Until the next destination, Aloha! Irene x
