Monday 28 April 2014

Fly away from NZ - reflections

Blog 31 Fly away leaving reflections of NZ

We awake on our final day in NZ. Packing for our one and only plane journey on our whole trip away is a challenge. We have a strict weight allowance and a charge for excess. At the moment we have three suitcases all above the weight allowance of 23kg, two musical instruments (guitar and violin), 2 back packs, and three carrier bags as well. Our early morning was spent in trying at least to cut down the hand luggage and hope for a friendly check-in, knowing that we will be charged  for the extra case.

We have to say goodbye as well to Nancy Nissan.  What a great car, performing without fuss and bother from the moment of pick up in Queenstown 11 days ago. With her we have completed 2000kms (1200miles) over terrain at times difficult for a non 4x4 vehicle. We lunch at the Antarctic Centre, close to the departures building at the airport. There is a museum and special DVD shows dedicated to that continent, but unfortunately we have no time as 'fly away' is fast approaching. 

We third case is approved without extra payment, but we have to ditch some possessions to get under the weight allowance. It is quite a sight to see our clothes and personals laid out on a bench trying to decide what has to go. We give around 6kg of clothes and a handbag to the local charity and we clear customs to sit in the lounge for an hour.

It gives me time to reflect on the all too short 30 days in the land of the long white cloud; to the Maori it is Aotearoa, to you and me Kiwi land or New Zealand. Where does one start? 3500 miles in that short time was a challenge and adventure all on its own. This is a tribute to Jacky for spending hours on research and internet time to arrange the itinerary, booking the accommodation in advance, map reading and being a passenger when at times it was a fingers cross and pray road journey. This trip would simply not have happened without her imagination and ingenuity.  We have made it to plan and this country has changed me for ever in so many different ways.

This trip to NZ was also for Jacky to visit her Lord of the Rings locations. This was certainly achieved and again I am so pleased we did for it illustrated Tolkien's landscapes of 'Middle Earth' exactly- a world of deep hidden valleys, barren wastelands, remote mystical mountains and lush low valleys. 

It is the people I will remember- their struggle with nature, their strength in adversity, their resoluteness to repair and go forward. They are a young nation and as in true Maori folklore they can see and remember their past and their ancestors carve their future. 

NZ do not have time for show offs or flag - waving. Flash and pomp are not in their make up. We can all learn from the Kiwi and their mix of population for theyapple all share one thing, the valuable resource which is their land, their country, their hope for a better world. When all is done and the pages re- written on the modern human endeavour, just look southward to these islands and you will here them say " it was nothing eh"!

I finish my NZ blogs with extracts from two Maori songs / poems: -

The first is translated a Maori song lyric: - The song of the long white cloud (Aotearoa)
                                          Kei tiritiri O Te Moana e  
                     You will find the skies are blue, Folks are kind, friends are true,
                                          Te whenua o Aotearoa  
                              In the Land of the long white cloud,       
                                         Kore rawa rite tetahi whenua 
                        Ev'ryone welcome there, There is none that can compare,
                                         Ki tenei o Aotearoa
                                 To the land of the long white cloud,
                                         Kia kite koe i te whenua
                         Just wait till you see the magic charm of Rotorua,
                                       O te puia me te wai ngawha
                           Just wait till you hear a Maori Haka, and song,
                                   Noho haere ranei e kore e wareware,
                      Tho' you stay, tho' you part, There is a place in your heart,
                                       Koe ki konei ki Aotearoa…..
                                    For the land of the long white cloud…….

The second is translated version from their most famous traditional love song -  Pokarekare Ana: -

                                                          whati whati taku pene
                                             pronounced (fut-ee fut-ee tuck-oo penne)
                                                              Kua pau aku pepa
                                           pro'ed   (Koo-ah põe uck-oo pepper)
                                                               Ko taku aroha
                                               pro'ed   (Caw tuck-oo ah raw-ha)
                                                           Måu tonu ana e.
                                             pro'ed   (Mow tore-noo un-nah e.)

               translated: -
                My pen is broken,
                I have run out of paper,
                but my love for you still remains (for ever)….

 Oh how true these words!!

Now to those faithful followers of my blogs - I have a surprise and a change of direction in my next blog as we fly away from Aotearoa…….  


1 comment:

  1. Hope the rest of your journey goes well Love to you Both John & Val xxx
