Tuesday 11 March 2014

Exercise Day - An Alpine Walk versus a game of bowls!

Blog 16 - Excercise Day!

(PIC) - Huka Falls
After leaving the lovely but smelly Rotorua we travelled south for a trip to Tongariro National Park to stay in the Chateau on the ski village road. This is the land of mountains like 'Mt Doom' if you are a LOR fan, in reality Mt Ngaurahoe.

First however it was a quick stop at Huka Falls on NZ's longest river the Waikaro just north of Lake Taupo. This is hydro electric power in real action. Quarter of a million litres of water per second pours down these falls and supplies 15% of the national grid network.  This was also the location of a worlds first - the jet boat.

(Archive PIC)  - Bill Hamilton on his 
1954 Jet boat prototype at Huka Falls.
(Web PIC) - 2014 Huka Fall Jet Boat
Back in 1954 a clever engineer William Hamilton thought that a water induced pressurised hose could drive a boat at speed. Think about holding a powerful fireman's hose and feel yourself wanting to be pushed backwards. - simple really, like all the best designs!

(PIC) - Lake Taupo

(PIC) - The Chateau Tongariro

(PIC) - The road to the chateau and
Mount Doom - (Lord of the Rings)

The road around NZ's largest Lake Taupo was very scenic and at times the road was right at the water's edge. I was looking forward to playing my game of bowls but first it was an evening at the famous ski lodge chateau around 20 miles drive and a scenic climb away.

The National Park is heathland and relatively barren in comparison with the terrain we have seen on our travel of North Island. The whole area is transformed in winter and becomes a major ski attraction.

(PIC) - Jacky at Tongariro

Jacky walked the famous 10 hour Tongariro crossing (walking route) and I took the easy option and went back the 20 miles to Taupo (town) on the Lake to have a game of bowls. It was a hot day and I played reasonably well, considering the green was fast and I had not played for nearly two months. 
(PIC) - Taupo BC Members
It was a really nice club and I was made most welcome. Bowls is declining in NZ as it is in the UK. This old club initially had three greens and several hundred members; it now has two greens and around 150 members and going downwards. It is sad but like a lot of sports that have had their heyday in another era. It does make me think what a great club we have in my home town of West Bridgford and how much I enjoy playing there and the friendships forged.

(Archive PIC) - Napier after earthquake
We stayed the second night in Taupo itself and spent the morning giving Sally Subara a new exhaust! She is ailing bless her - I am hugging her and washing her windows with loving care and hopefully all will be well. It's now mid morning and we have to get to the art deco town of Napier. This was the town that was rebuilt after a major earthquake in 1931.

Blog 17 to follow - Napier

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